Added value Credit Cards
Find out how you can really save money on interest charges and gain access to all sorts of money-saving and interest-free deals. Saving money is easy with our free service. If you would like continuous zero interest credit cards then this is the place for you.
It’s no secret that most people during the 80’s and 90’s found themselves in deep with the credit card companies. The credit card revolution was in full swing back then and they were giving just about anyone who applied a credit card! This, of course, lead to tremendous credit card debt from which many of us are suffering every day.
From creditors calling at all hours of the night to the constant collection notices in the mail, it seems we can’t escape it because even if we stop spending money the balance is racking up interest every month just sitting there! Me and my friend found a way out by using zero interest credit cards. What we did was went out and looked for as many of these zero interest credit cards as we could find and had this plan to transfer our balances over to one of these cards then cancel the first card. This way we didn’t have to pay interest on our balance, which I think is rather amazing!
The zero interest credit cards promotions can go as long as a year before they start charging you interest on your balance, but you’re not contracted to stay on it past the promotion date so you just transfer the balance again to yet other 0 APR credit cards and keep it going. Meanwhile you’re paying your balance off as much as you can and you’re not growing deeper in debt, your coming out of it.
In our search for zero interest credit cards we found a service that actually had the same theme as what we were doing, only it was a free service that emailed you to alert you to transfer your balance! My email comes to my cell phone and alerts me when I have new mail, so when the mail comes that tells me to transfer my balance and cancel the card I do it right away on my iPhone, right there in the mail. They even do all the hard work of finding all the zero interest credit cards for me!
My friends and I were talking one day and they all wanted in. They went to this site and it explained everything for them; I didn’t have to keep repeating myself with each new friend, but the word got out and they all signed up. We figure if we don’t use the cards but just keep moving our balance to a new card every 10 months to a year depending on the card’s promotional expiration, we can be out of debt in about 5 years!
Do you want the chance to grab the best zero interest credit cards and then having repeat interest-free cards for years? All this and great resources on saving money at Credit Card Balance Transfers and Credit Card Balance Transfers UK
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gordon_Goodfellow
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