Foreclosure Angel A woman buys a stranger’s foreclosed home… and gives it back to her. If you want to know more about this angel contact her on facebook and send her a message here: Marilyn Mock Says ‘People Need to Help Each Other’ By JONANN BRADY Tracy Pottsboro lost her job and then her home when she couldn’t make mortgage payments. On Saturday, she watched as her home was auctioned off in Dallas. “The final farewell to my house,” Pottsboro said. “It means so much to all of us. It’s not just a house.” Auctions on foreclosed houses are an opportunity for some and agony for those who’ve lost their homes. From July through September of this year, more than 2700 Americans lost their homes to foreclosure every day, according to The Associated Press. In Texas, almost 9200 homes entered the foreclosure process in September. On Saturday, Pottsboro took her seat among the crowd, waiting for house No. 73 to be called. Marilyn Mock, a small-business owner from Rockwall, Texas, had accompanied her son, who was interested in buying a house, to the auction that day. Mock was sitting near Pottsboro and noticed that she was upset. “She was crying, and I asked her what is she upset about, and you know, she lost her house,” Mock said. When the No. 73 came up and the auction began, Mock said she asked Pottsboro, “Is it worth it?” “She said yes. & I just kept taking her word,” Mock said. Mock ended up winning the auction, with a bid of about 000. And just like that …
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I’m a full grown man and this story brought a tear to my eye. Kindness is wonderful !
@Whorulesnow we are trying dammit.. im telling you soon..soon my stupid little ideas will get patented, earn shit load of money and ALL of it is going back out to stuff like this, and not just in the US. Ill throw you 20000 for havin the most Likes.
wow…that is a really cool story
This is amazing.
Pretty amazing! Unfortunately in my area with foreclosure pricing still being high, there is less likely a chance of that happening.
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This is good video. Cool……
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If I had a billion dollars, I would do this.
Almost none of us have a billion dollars, though.
I bet we all have at least one, though. I wonder if you would all send a dollar to a trust for this kind of thing if someone set it up.
I’ll bet we could do it. And how pissed would that make the banks, right? That they just can’t do their dirt on people anymore because *we* said so?
God that would be awesome.
OMG, are you serious?,, why am I crying after watching this….. I’m a full grown man and I’m here weeping. I would not have let her go if I hugged her.
That’s how GOD want’s us to treat each other and in return GOD will bless that stranger more.
Thats fuckin cool, brought a smile to my face.
balls deep
ok i cried… big black guy… crying at this…. damn
wow such a great story!!!
@De0n0rth your heart !
did anyone else notice her angel wings,..God Bless her.
@toiwin typical always some fag like you pushing views that has nothing to do with the video
The best example of Unconditional Love I’ve ever seen, what a wonderful and truly beautiful human being!!
Tears of joy.
goo(dot)gl/UXvOv OMG DUDE
God bless people like this. we need more of them
Angelic Foreclosure*