The Lowe’s Creative Ideas team shows viewers how to make simple and easy improvements and renovations to improve the curb appeal and market value of their homes. For more videos like this one, visit This Home Business (Home Based Business) is Awesome!!!! Go to http to get your FREE travel course. This is not an mlm or a network marketing company. We are also not one of those companies that say that they aren’t an mlm or network marketing company… but they are….

Holy Cow! How much would all this have cost?! That they don’t mention anything about it makes me suspicious.
@dflores315 you probably meant to say you’re a creep. When you write “your” you are referring to something as your name, your house, your dog.
When using “you’re” means you are doing this or you are going someplace.
@depressedonmyself your a creep
What’s with all the legal print at the end?… LOL
Who are these people??? I want mike!!!
dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush’s name will appear
a great video, thanks for sharing keep up the good work!
Have subbed and looking forward to new content 🙂
@MarkEwing33 wow
Gotta love the ability to create lifestyle and teach others to co-create it together!
Sounds like a lucrative enough opportunity. Boomers are willing to spend, and you know they want to travel.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Ryan Biddulph
@MrMik012 You can live anywhere and do this. It doesn’t matter where you live.
@MrMik012 yes! you can live anywhere.
can you do this if you live in nz?
Thanks for sharing, will definately check it out.
Hi Mark,
Informative video, good stuff!
Best wishes,
This really seems interesting…will look further into it. Plz check out our channel and see our vids! Thank you!
@sluv2600 please call me at 630 420 7160 lee dont know where to sign on ty
Feel and Act now…Attract abudance and wealth…weatch my latest video
Sweet..hope you use these vacations!! thanks to my business I can’t get enough travel!!
A pleasure
good video, nice job
is this for real?
Great video
good video!
I wanna travel!
very helpful
This looks awesome. Everyone tells me to pick a niche – I have been in the industry for over 20 years and new to IM – maybe this is my niche!
Hello back!
Send 5 dollars to: RX976 (at hotmail)
Really slick Vid, great ideas, IM is taking off massively at the mo good to see more people growing in success! i will be sure to subscribe and keep in touch