www.sdsplans.com detached garage is in many ways a superior solution to having an attached one. Not only does it not give you more room to play with but also by having a detached garage you will have more options as far as expansion is concerned.
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I’m most likely going to start looking for a new place to live. My current establishment, York Properties in Raleigh NC that runs Mission Valley Apartments does not value me as a customer. I don’t like to shop where I’m not valued as a customer. Of course, as a friend explained, every time someone moves out they get to increase the rent. So it’s actually a planned action to get people to move out. It just pisses me off. Here’s my current rental checklist. Help me add to it: General •What’s the rent, how long is the lease, how much is the deposit and when is it returned? (Rent should be no more than 30% of your take home pay.) •Do you have the optin to rent month-to-month when your first year lease expires? (Renting month-to-month may result in slightly higher payments, but it gives you the option of terminating your lease without penalty.) •How far will you have to commute to work? Is public transportation a readily available option? (Practice your commute before signing your lease and realize a long commute eats up valuable personal time.) •Are there smoke detectors? Ceiling lights? •Are there ceiling lights? •Are the carpets and walls clean? (Look for solid, level floors and carpets that are not worn.) •Are stair railings are tight? Bedroom •Will your furniture fit? (Know the size of your things and bring a tape measure!) •Are there enough outlets? •Is there a phone jack in the room? •Is there enough closet space and strong hanger rods Kitchen/Appliances •Are kitchen …