Will Adding A Downstairs Toilet Add Value To My House
Will Adding A Downstairs Toilet Add Value To My House
With so many renovation-project television shows being broadcast and watched around the country, countless people are considering making improvements to their homes, in order to increase the value when the time comes to find a new dwelling. A popular idea is to add a downstairs toilet and hand basin to a house which only features an upstairs toilet usually in the bathroom. This project is not the most simple – but could be more cost effective than adding a new kitchen or other project ideas suggested in the popular home make-over shows. Can adding a downstairs toilet add more than just financial value to your home?
Advantages of Downstairs Toilet.
The most common choice – either through lack of space or budget – is to simply add a hand basin and toilet in the new project room. Even this simple design will require great planning – a ventilated room, and space for the toilet and skin, as well as meeting any requirements a WC has in your area.
The most obvious benefit of a downstairs toilet is the convenience it will add. Being able to take a relaxing bath in the upstairs bathroom, without being disturbed by family members requiring access is a huge benefit on its own.
It would also be beneficial when friends come over, not having to let guests upstairs will improve safety and avoid access to bedrooms and personal bathroom items.
Disadvantages of a Downstairs Toilet.
Unfortunately if you are considering installing a downstairs toilet solely for the finical benefits when you come to sell the property – a recent survey found that; while you will recover the costs of installations of the new room, it will not make a profit increase on the value of the overall property. It is a feature that could make a potential buyer chooses your home over the next door house for sale – but it will not make your house sell for a premium. The best example would be if you paid £3000 for the installation, and your home would typically sell for £100,000 – an added downstairs toilet would make the house sell for £103,000
As is clear to see, a new toilet will allow you to recover your costs when it is time to sell, but will not make a higher profit, though it will improve your chances of a sale.
Bill J. Thompson has recently created a site on Black Living Room Furniture. The site is always updated and has articles such as Contemporary Black Furniture to read.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_J._Thompson