How to: Buy A Car Step 1: Find a car that you like Step number one is finding a car that you like. Try to do that away from the distractions and the pressures of the dealership. Do that at home. Go to web sites like,, Consumer Report, things like that. Narrow it down so that once you get to the dealership you know what you want and you can proceed to the next step, which is… Step 2: Go at the end of the month Before you even arrive at the dealership, make sure that you get to the dealership on a day when the traffic is slower. Maybe towards the end of the month or on a rainy day. Basically, when traffic is slow you’ll get better service and they’ll be more motivated to give you a better deal. Step 3: Negotiating a price Now, you’ve got to negotiate a price. The first thing to keep in mind is to avoid focusing on monthly payments and worry more about the bottom-line on the total price. If you focus on the monthly payments too much, which is what the dealer will want to do, it will be too easy for them to sneak in an add-ons that you don’t want. So, bottom-line, price first. *Negotiating Tip: Have the invoice price handy.* So, about that price: basically, you want to have as your starting point the dealer’s invoice price or their cost. And then you want to negotiate from that point upwards versus from sticker downwards. *Negotiating Tip: Ask about rebates.* Now, don’t forget to have the dealer factor in any and all rebates that apply to you. So far …
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