Without the help of an experienced real estate agent, how should you price your home to sell? Experienced FSBO sellers share some of their pricing advice. Compute your listing price based on your property tax bill. Compare your home value to similar properties on the market. If you’re hoping to sell quickly, consider giving your buyer a lower price since you’re not paying commission when you sell your own home. Watch this Expert Real Estate Tips video for more FSBO advice.
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…I love this song….dedicated to my beautiful cousin Ivy that made me listen it to… —– Your House —– I went to your house Walked up the stairs I opened your door without ringing the bell I walked down the hall Into your room Where I could smell you And I shouldn’t be here, without permission I shouldn’t be here Would you forgive me love If I danced in your shower Would you forgive me love If I laid in your bed Would you forgive me love If I stay all afternoon I took off my clothes Put on your robe I went through your drawers And found your cologne I went down to the den I found your cd’s And I played your Joni And I shouldn’t stay long, you might be home soon I shouldn’t stay long Would you forgive me love If I danced in your shower Would you forgive me love If I laid in your bed Would you forgive me love If I stay all afternoon I burned your incense I ran a bath And I noticed a letter that sat on your desk It said “Hello love, I love you so love, meet me at midnight” And no, it wasn’t my writing I’d better go soon It wasn’t my writing So forgive me love If I cry in your shower So forgive me love For the salt in your bed So forgive me love If I cry all afternoon
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