The link to this house is over here: Don’t forget to like, comment, befriend and SUBSCRIBE!!! CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Hello! Welcome to my very happenin’ video edition!!! Judging from the title, I’ve surpassed the 5000 subscriber milestone!!! Thanks to everyone!!!!! XD Much love!!! Also, this is my entry for Chrillsims3’s Competition!!! The lot value for the house is: Furnished 100 Unfurnished 666 So basically, for those that play CityVille, this house is based off of the ‘Stylish Contemporary’ house. Of course, I put my own spin on it. The rules of the competition was to build a fully furnished house under for 000 and without the use of custom content. Seeing as my houses, MINUS furnishing is usually well over 0000, I thought I’d give this challenge a go. And since I’m already anti custom content, that rule was a breeze. When I first finished the house it cost a little over 000, but then the lot value dropped to 110 somehow. I don’t understand how that works but that’s cool. There aren’t any building videos for the house since it’s so small and I didn’t think it was necessary. I tried my best not to use store stuff but it’s too tempting!!! I’m sorry to those that don’t have them any! The song is the instrumental version of Janet Jackson’s ‘Rock With U’ I love how chill out and loungey it is, it goes well with the house… sort of… =] I think that is all for now… next house will …